Project Options: General
Company Name
This is the name that appears in reports and as the highest level folder in the Entity Hierarchy.
System Scenario Name
The default scenario name is <Current Options>.
Default Scenario
Select either <Current options> (Project) or Reserves (jurisdiction).
Project Currency
The project currency is used for:
- Entities you have not assigned a currency (in the entity properties)
- Reports on project-level or folder-level economics or on a selection of entities with different currencies
The currency assigned to entities and used in economic calculations depends on the configuration of the project currency, the entity's country, and the entity's currency.
By default, entities inherit the currency of their country, if one is specified in the entity properties. You can override this inheritance by changing the Entity Currency from Default (country currency) to a different currency. If you don't specify a country, the entity inherits the project currency.
Project Label
This is an alias name for a project. After you re-start the project, the name you enter will appear on the menu bar, before the path of the project.
BOE Ratio
This is the default ratio that will be used to convert gas to the equivalent barrels of oil.
CO2 Threshold
CO2 is left in the gas stream if the percentage is less than the CO2 Threshold. See
CO2 Allowable
CO2 is removed from the gas stream if it exceeds the CO2 Allowable. See
Last Year for Technical Monthly Output
Monthly technical values are stored in the database and displayed on reports until the end of this year. After this year, annual values are stored and displayed.
To store and display all annual values, set the Last year for technical monthly output to the year before the reference date as well as the Maximum technical life (Dec 31).
When a well terminates during a yearly forecast, the calendar day rate is calculated from the partial year. The current year is not required to be monthly.
Use Overlapping Production History instead of the Forecast
This option determines which production rates to use when generating forecast volumes. If you import production data, but don’t set the forecast start date to the end of production, there is an overlap of history and forecast data. If you enable this option, the production history volumes are used in calculations instead of the forecast volumes.
Default Country
The country selected here affects the display of fields such as country, state, and province. In projects with United States set as the default country, for example, State will appear as a column header instead of Province.
The default country is automatically used when creating new wells. This country is also automatically selected in the Countries dialog (Tools > Set up > Countries).
Default State/Province
The selected default state/province is automatically used when a new well is created.
Default Forecast Mode
You can configure whether the default forecast mode is Total or Incremental. See Create an Incremental Forecast.
Default Surface Loss
This is the default surface loss percentage applied to all new wells added to the current project (shown on Predictions | Declines).